What to Expect


Whether you’ve spent your whole life in Church, or never stepped through the doors before, you’re welcome at HWC! We understand that it can be a bit daunting to go to a new place when you don’t know what to expect and so here’s some info to let you know what a typical service at HWC is like. We don’t want there to be any barriers to you coming to hear the awesome news of Jesus and joining our community, so we pray this sets your mind at ease.

On Sundays, our service starts at 9:30am, but the musos and AV team usually get there just after 8am and a group of us join together to pray around 9am. Feel free to come early and have a chat and get settled before the service starts. Our services are guided by what the Bible teaches and include singing praises to God, talking to God in prayer, hearing the Bible read and taught and sharing the Lord’s Supper together. We share tea and coffee and snacks for morning tea afterwards, which is a great opportunity to get to know one another more and talk about Jesus.


Here's a link to a Spotify playlist of the songs we sing to help you familiarise yourself with what it’s like at HWC.


And here are the links to our sermon podcasts, available on Apple, Google and Spotify.

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